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Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification
0101 Pure Mathematics
010101 Algebra and Number Theory
010102 Algebraic and Differential Geometry
010103 Category Theory, K Theory, Homological Algebra
010107 Mathematical Logic, Set Theory, Lattices and Universal Algebra
010111 Real and Complex Functions (incl. Several Variables)
010199 Pure Mathematics not elsewhere classified
0102 Applied Mathematics
010201 Approximation Theory and Asymptotic Methods
010203 Calculus of Variations, Systems Theory and Control Theory
010206 Operations Research
010207 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
0103 Numerical and Computational mathematics
010301 Numerical Analysis
010302 Numerical Solution of Differential and Integral Equations
0104 Statistics
010404 Probability Theory
010405 Statistical Theory
0199 Other Mathematical Sciences
019999 Mathematical Sciences not elsewhere classified
0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences
020111 Islamic Astronomy (Falak)
02011101 Qibla Direction
02011102 Prayer (Shalat) Times
0299 Other Physical Sciences
029901 Biological Physics
0399 Other Chemical Sciences
0401 Atmospheric Sciences
040104 Climate Change Processes
0501 Ecological Applications
050102 Ecosystem Function
0502 Environmental Science and management
050203 Environmental Education and Extension
050204 Environmental Impact Assessment
050205 Environmental Management
050207 Environmental Rehabilitation (excl. Bioremediation)
0602 Ecology
0604 Genetics
0606 Physiology
060604 Comparative Physiology
0699 Other Biological Sciences
0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management
070101 Agricultural Land Management
070103 Agricultural Production Systems Simulation
070106 Farm Management, Rural Management and Agribusiness
070108 Sustainable Agricultural Development
070199 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management not elsewhere classified
0702 Animal Production
070203 Animal Management
0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing
0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics
080204 Mathematical Software
0803 Computer Software
0804 Data Format
0805 Distributed Computing
080501 Distributed and Grid Systems
080502 Mobile Technologies
080503 Networking and Communications
080505 Web Technologies (excl. Web Search)
0806 Information Systems
080610 Information Systems Organisation
0807 Library and Information Studies
080704 Information Retrieval and Web Search
080709 Social and Community Informatics
080799 Library and Information Studies not elsewhere classified
0905 Civil Engineering
090509 Water Resources Engineering
0910 Manufacturing Engineering
091005 Manufacturing Management
1005 Communications Technologies
100503 Computer Communications Networks
100509 Video Communications
100510 Wireless Communications
1006 Computer Hardware
100601 Arithmetic and Logic Structures
100602 Input, Output and Data Devices
1007 Nanotechnology
100713 Nanotoxicology, Health and Safety
1099 Other Technology
109999 Technology not elsewhere classified
1103 Clinical Sciences
110304 Dermatology
110321 Rehabilitation and Therapy (excl. Physiotherapy)
1106 Human Movement and Sports Science
1107 Immunology
110702 Applied Immunology (incl. Antibody Engineering, Xenotransplantation and T-cell Therapies)
1109 Neurosciences
1110 Nursing
111005 Mental Health Nursing
1111 Nutrition and Dietetics
111104 Public Nutrition Intervention
1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences
1116 Medical Physiology
1117 Public Health and Health Services
111704 Community Child Health
111705 Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety
111707 Family Care
111708 Health and Community Services
111710 Health Counselling
111714 Mental Health
111717 Primary Health Care
1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences
119999 Medical and Health Sciences not elsewhere classified
1201 Architecture
120108 Architecture of Public Structures
12010801 Government Buildings
12010805 Agricultural Buildings
12010807 Welfare and Health Buildings (incl. Hospital)
120109 Architecture of Building for Religious and Related Purposes
12010901 Mosques and Minaret
12010902 Islamic Centre
120110 Architecture of Building for Educational and Research Purposes
12011007 Pesantren (Islamic Boarding School)
120111 Architecture of Residential and Related Buildings
12011101 Conventional Housing
1202 Building
120201 Building Construction Management and Project Planning
1203 Design Practice and Management
120306 Textile and Fashion Design
1205 Urban and Regional Planning
120503 Housing Markets, Development, Management
120505 Regional Analysis and Development
120507 Urban Analysis and Development
1299 Other Built Environment and Design
129999 Built Environment and Design not elsewhere classified
1301 Education Systems
130101 Continuing and Community Education
130102 Early Childhood Education
130103 Higher Education
130105 Primary Education
130106 Secondary Education
130108 Technical, Further and Workplace Education
130109 Pesantren (Islamic boarding school)
130199 Education systems not elsewhere classified
1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy
130201 Creative Arts, Media and Communication Curriculum and Pedagogy
130202 Curriculum and Pedagogy Theory and Development
130203 Economics, Business and Management Curriculum and Pedagogy
130204 English and Literacy Curriculum and Pedagogy (excl. LOTE, ESL and TESOL)
130205 Humanities and Social Sciences Curriculum and Pedagogy (excl. Economics, Business and Management)
130208 Mathematics and Numeracy Curriculum and Pedagogy
130210 Physical Education and Development Curriculum and Pedagogy
130211 Religion Curriculum and Pedagogy
130212 Science, Technology and Engineering Curriculum and Pedagogy
130213 Vocational Education and Training Curriculum and Pedagogy
130214 Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language (Ta'lim al-'Arabiyah Lighairi al-Nathiqin Biha) Curriculum and Pedagogy
13021401 Maharat al-Kalam (Speaking Skill)
13021402 Maharat al-Istima' (Listening Skill)
13021403 Maharat al-Qira'ah (Reading Skill)
13021404 Maharat al-Kitabah (Writing Skill)
13021405 Bina' al-Manhaj (Curriculum Design)
13021407 Tahlil al-Nushush (Text Analysis)
13021408 Taqwim al-Ta'lim (Teaching Evaluation)
13021409 Thuruq al-Tadris (Teaching Methods)
13021410 Wasa'il wa Tiknulujia al-Ta'lim (Educational Media & Technology)
13021499 Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language (Ta'lim al-'Arabiyah Lighairi al-Nathiqin Biha) Curriculum and Pedagogy not elsewhere classified
130299 Curriculum and Pedagogy not elsewhere classified
1303 Specialist Studies In Education
130302 Comparative and Cross-Cultural Education
130303 Education Assessment and Evaluation
130304 Educational Administration, Management and Leadership
130305 Educational Counselling
130306 Educational Technology and Computing
130307 Ethnic Education
130308 Gender, Sexuality and Education
130309 Learning Sciences
130310 Maori Education (excl. Early Childhood and Primary Education)
130312 Special Education and Disability
130313 Teacher Education and Professional Development of Educators
130399 Specialist Studies in Education not elsewhere classified
1399 Other Education
139999 Education not elsewhere classified
1401 Economic Theory
140101 History of Economic Thought
140102 Macroeconomic Theory
140104 Microeconomic Theory
140199 Economic Theory not elsewhere classified
1402 Applied Economics
140201 Agricultural Economics
140202 Economic Development and Growth
140203 Economic History
140204 Economics of Education
140205 Environment and Resource Economics
140206 Experimental Economics
140207 Financial Economics
140208 Health Economics
140209 Industry Economics and Industrial Organisation
140210 International Economics and International Finance
140211 Labour Economics
140212 Macroeconomics (incl. Monetary and Fiscal Theory)
140213 Public Economics- Public Choice
140214 Public Economics- Publically Provided Goods
140215 Public Economics- Taxation and Revenue
140216 Tourism Economics
140217 Transport Economics
140218 Urban and Regional Economics
140219 Welfare Economics
1403 Econometrics
140302 Econometric and Statistical Methods
140303 Economic Models and Forecasting
140304 Panel Data Analysis
140305 Time-Series Analysis
1499 Other Economics
149901 Comparative Economic Systems
149999 Economics not elsewhere classified
1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability
150101 Accounting Theory and Standards
150102 Auditing and Accountability
150103 Financial Accounting
150105 Management Accounting
150106 Sustainability Accounting and Reporting
150107 Taxation Accounting
150108 Cost Accounting
150109 Budgetary Accounting
150110 Governmental Accounting
150111 Accounting System (incl. Accounting Information System)
150113 Stock Exchange
150114 Corporate Social Responsibility
150115 Sharia Accounting
1502 Banking, Finance and Investment
150201 Finance
150202 Financial Econometrics
150203 Financial Institutions (incl. Banking)
150204 Insurance Studies
150205 Investment and Risk Management
150299 Banking, Finance and Investment not elsewhere classified
1503 Business and Management
150301 Business Information Management (incl. Records, Knowledge and Information Management, and Intelligence)
150302 Business Information Systems
150303 Corporate Governance and Stakeholder Engagement
150304 Entrepreneurship
150305 Human Resources Management
150306 Industrial Relations
150307 Innovation and Technology Management
150308 International Business
150309 Logistics and Supply Chain Management
150310 Organisation and Management Theory
150311 Organisational Behaviour
150312 Organisational Planning and Management
150313 Quality Management
150314 Small Business Management
150399 Business and Management not elsewhere classified
1504 Commercial Services
150401 Food and Hospitality Services
150402 Hospitality Management
150403 Real Estate and Valuation Services
150499 Commercial Services not elsewhere classified
1505 Marketing
150501 Consumer-Oriented Product or Service Development
150502 Marketing Communications
150503 Marketing Management (incl. Strategy and Customer Relations)
150504 Marketing Measurement
150505 Marketing Research Methodology
150506 Marketing Theory
150507 Pricing (incl. Consumer Value Estimation)
1506 Tourism
150601 Impacts of Tourism
150602 Tourism Forecasting
150603 Tourism Management
150604 Tourism Marketing
150605 Tourism Resource Appraisal
150606 Tourist Behaviour and Visitor Experience
1507 Transportation and Freight Services
150702 Rail Transportation and Freight Services
150703 Road Transportation and Freight Services
150799 Transportation and Freight Services not elsewhere classified
1508 Other1503 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services
159999 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services not elsewhere classified
1601 Anthropology
160104 Social and Cultural Anthropology
1602 Criminology
160201 Causes and Prevention of Crime
160202 Correctional Theory, Offender Treatment and Rehabilitation
160203 Courts and Sentencing
160205 Police Administration, Procedures and Practice
160206 Private Policing and Security Services
160299 Criminology not elsewhere classified
1603 Demography
160301 Family and Household Studies
160305 Population Trends and Policies
1604 Human Geography
160403 Social and Cultural Geography
160404 Urban and Regional Studies (excl. Planning)
1605 Policy and Administration
160503 Communications and Media Policy
160505 Economic Development Policy
160506 Education Policy
160508 Health Policy
160510 Public Policy
160512 Social Policy
160513 Tourism Policy
1606 Political Science
160605 Environmental Politics
160606 Government and Politics of Asia and the Pacific
160609 Political Theory and Political Philosophy
160699 Political Science not elsewhere classified
1607 Social Work
160701 Clinical Social Work Practice
160702 Counselling, Welfare and Community Services
160703 Social Program Evaluation
160799 Social Work not elsewhere classified
1608 Sociology
160801 Applied Sociology, Program Evaluation and Social Impact Assessment
160802 Environmental Sociology
160803 Race and Ethnic Relations
160804 Rural Sociology
160806 Social Theory
160809 Sociology of Education
160810 Urban Sociology and Community Studies
160899 Sociology not elsewhere classified
1699 Other Studies in Human Society
169901 Gender Specific Studies
169999 Studies in Human Society not elsewhere classified
1701 Psychology
170101 Biological Psychology (Neuropsychology, Psychopharmacology, Physiological Psychology)
170102 Developmental Psychology and Ageing
170103 Educational Psychology
170104 Forensic Psychology
170105 Gender Psychology
170106 Health, Clinical and Counselling Psychology
170107 Industrial and Organisational Psychology
170109 Personality, Abilities and Assessment
170110 Psychological Methodology, Design and Analysis
170111 Psychology of Religion
170112 Sensory Processes, Perception and Performance
170113 Social and Community Psychology
1702 Cognitive Sciences
170204 Linguistic Processes (incl. Speech Production and Comprehension)
170205 Neurocognitive Patterns and Neural Networks
170299 Cognitive Sciences not elsewhere classified
1799 Other Psychology and Cognitive Sciences
179999 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences not elsewhere classified
1801 Law
180103 Administrative Law
180104 Civil Law and Procedure
180105 Commercial and Contract Law
180106 Comparative Law
180108 Constitutional Law
180109 Corporations and Associations Law
180110 Criminal Law and Procedure (incl. Islamic Criminal Law, Jinayat)
180111 Environmental and Natural Resources Law
180113 Family Law
180114 Human Rights Law
180117 International Trade Law
180118 Labour Law
180119 Law and Society
180120 Legal Institutions (incl. Courts and Justice Systems)
180121 Legal Practice, Lawyering and the Legal Profession
180123 Litigation, Adjudication and Dispute Resolution
180124 Property Law (excl. Intellectual Property Law)
180125 Taxation Law
180126 Tort Law
180127 Mu'amalah (Islamic Commercial & Contract Law)
18012701 al-Bai’ (incl. al-Khiyar)
18012702 al-Salam & al-Istishna’
18012703 al-Murabahah
18012704 al-Riba (Interest)
18012705 al-Rahn (Pergadaian)
18012706 al-Dhaman (Jaminan)
18012708 al-Hiwalah & al-Maqashshah (Pengalihan Piutang)
18012709 al-Wakalah (Penyerahan Mandat)
18012710 al-Ijarah & al-Ju’alah (Sewa-menyewa & Kontrak Kerja)
18012711 al-Wadi’ah (Penitipan Barang atau Modal)
18012712 al-Syirkah (incl. al-Mudharabah, al-Musahamah)
18012713 al-Muzara’ah, al-Mukhabarah, al-Musaqah, al-Mugharasah (Pemanfaatan Lahan Pertanian)
18012714 al-Qardh (Hutang-piutang)
18012715 al-Waqf
18012716 al-Hibah (Hadiah)
18012717 al-‘Ariyah (Pinjam-meminjam)
18012718 al-Hajru & al-Taflis (Kepailitan)
18012719 al-Syuf'ah (Pengambil-alihan atau Pembelian Paksa)
18012722 al-Takaful (Islamic Insurance)
18012723 Shukuk (Islamic Bond/Obligation)
18012724 Islamic Banking
18012725 Baitul Mal wat Tamwil (BMT)
18012726 Islamic Stock Market
18012728 Jizya, Kharaj, 'Ushr, Pajak (Tax)
18012732 al-Iqtha’ (Pertambangan) & al-Hima’ (Kawasan Dilindungi)
18012799 Mu'amalah (Islamic Commercial & Contract Law) not elsewhere classified
180128 Islamic Family Law
18012801 Pernikahan (Secara Umum)
18012802 Khitbah & Kafaah
18012803 Aqd al-Nikah
18012804 Mahr (Dowry)
18012805 Wali & Saksi
18012807 Talaq & Khulu' (Divorce)
18012809 Ruju’ (Reconcilitation)
18012810 'Iddah (Waiting Period)
18012811 Nusyuz, Syiqaq & Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga (Marriage Violence)
18012813 Hadhanah (Child Custody, Guardianship)
18012815 Nafaqah
18012816 Mawaris (Inheritance)
18012817 Polygamy
18012819 Nikah Sirri
18012820 Nikah Beda Agama (Inter-Religious Marriage)
18012821 Nikah Dini
18012824 Harta Bersama (Matrimonial Property)
18012825 Kesepakatan Pranikah (Prenuptial Agreement)
18012826 Bimbingan & Penyuluhan Pernikahan (Marital Counselling)
18012827 Islamic Court & Civil Procedure
18012828 Islamic Family Issues & Mediation/Arbitration
18012829 Islamic Family Issues & Local Tradition
18012899 Islamic Family Law not elsewhere classified
180199 Law not elsewhere classified
1899 Other Law and Legal Studies
1902 Film, Television and Digital Media
190202 Computer Gaming and Animation
190203 Electronic Media Art
190204 Film and Television
190299 Film, Television and Digital Media not elsewhere classified
1903 Journalism and Professional Writing
190301 Journalism Studies
190303 Technical Writing
1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing
190402 Creative Writing (incl. Playwriting)
1905 Visual Arts and Crafts
190502 Fine Arts (incl. Sculpture and Painting)
2001 Communication and Media Studies
200101 Communication Studies
200102 Communication Technology and Digital Media Studies
200104 Media Studies
200105 Organisational, Interpersonal and Intercultural Communication
200199 Communication and Media Studies not elsewhere classified
2002 Cultural Studies
200202 Asian Cultural Studies
200203 Consumption and Everyday Life
200206 Globalisation and Culture
200209 Multicultural, Intercultural and Cross-cultural Studies
200299 Cultural Studies not elsewhere classified
2003 Language Studies
200301 Early English Languages
200302 English Language
200303 English as a Second Language
200313 Indonesian Languages
200318 Middle Eastern Languages
200323 Translation and Interpretation Studies
200399 Language Studies not elsewhere classified
2004 Linguistics
200403 Discourse and Pragmatics
20040301 Pragmatics - Speech Acts (incl. Locution, Illocution Perlocution)
20040302 Pragmatics - Conversational Implicature (incl. Hedging, Touting, Maxims of Conversation)
200405 Language in Culture and Society (Sociolinguistics)
20040501 Language Varieties (incl. Code Mixing, Code Switching)
200407 Lexicography
200408 Linguistic Structures (incl. Grammar, Phonology, Lexicon, Semantics)
20040801 Phonology
20040802 Morphology
20040803 Syntax and Grammar
20040804 Semantics
20040899 Linguistic Structures not elsewhere classified
200409 Arabic Linguistics
20040901 'Ilmu al-Nahw (Arabic Syntax and Grammar)
20040902 'Ilmu al-Sharf (Arabic Morphology)
20040903 'Ilmu al-Ashwat (Arabic Phonology and Phonetics)
20040904 'Ilmu al-Dalalah (Arabic Semantics)
2005 Literary Studies
200508 Other Literatures in English
200516 Indonesian Literature
200527 Arabic Literature (al-Adab al-‘Arabī)
20052703 Naqd al-Adab (Arabic Literary Criticism) - al-Adab al-Muqaran (Comparative Literature Studies)
2099 Other Language, Communication and Culture
209999 Language, Communication and Culture not elsewhere classified
2102 Curatorial and Related Studies
210202 Heritage and Cultural Conservation
2201 Applied Ethics
220102 Business Ethics
2202 History and Philosophy of Specific Fields
220201 Business and Labour History
220202 History and Philosophy of Education
2203 Philosophy
220305 Ethical Theory
220311 Philosophical Psychology (incl. Moral Psychology and Philosophy of Action)
220315 Philosophy of Religion
220319 Social Philosophy
2204 Religion and Religious Studies
220402 Comparative Religious Studies
220403 Islamic Studies
22040301 Al-Quran, Tafsir and related science
22040302 Al-Hadits, and related science
22040303 Aqidah, Islamic Theology, Ilmu Kalam, and related science
22040304 Fiqh, Ushul Fiqh, Islamic Jurisprudence, and related science
22040305 Akhlaq, Tasawuf, and related science
22040306 Islamic philoshophy
22040307 Islamic History
22040308 Islamic Studies not elsewhere classified
220405 Religion and Society
220406 Studies in Eastern Religious Traditions
220407 Studies in Religious Traditions (excl. Eastern, Jewish, Christian and Islamic Traditions)
220499 Religion and Religious Studies not elsewhere classified
2299 Other Philosophy and Religious Studies
229999 Philosophy and Religious Studies not elsewhere classified